9-3-02 ךיראתל ןוכדע - עובשה יקרפ טירסת

Blair: I mean it, this is amazing.

Rae: It is. He really looks like her.

Todd: Hey, we heard you the first time. What, do you think if you say
something over and over again it makes it true? Look, there is no resemblance at all
. Are we done with this subject?

Hank: Yes, todd, we're done here. Actually, I've had about as much of
you as I can stand for one day. Come on, rae, let's go. What do you say?

Rae: Yeah, ok.

Blair: Look, I am -- I'm sorry.

Rae: No, no, blair, it's all right.

Hank: No, it's not, but we've got a party to go to.

Rae: We do.

Hank: Come on.

Rae: Bye, jack.

Todd: Don't want to be late.

Hank: Bye, todd.

Rae: Oh, todd? Happy valentine's day. No, no. No, please. Allow me.

Blair: How can he look so much like starr?

Todd: I think he just looks like a baby.

Blair: Oh, I don't know. I mean, it's too much of a coincidence, isn't it? I mean --

Todd: Actually, blair, it's not a coincidence.

Todd: Well, of course it's not a coincidence. I mean, why do you think i
had to have that baby? When i saw him, I said, "he's starr, and i have to adopt him."

Blair: Oh, todd.

Todd: But, still, we don't want people, you know, asking a bunch of questions
and pointing out that he looks just like starr because, you know, when peopl
e poke their noses into our lives, who knows what they're going to find?

Blair: Well, yeah, it's bad enough that gabrielle knows how we got little jack.
I mean, it just used to be our secret, really.

[the phone rings]

Blair: Hello.

R.J.: Hi, blair? It's r.J. Gannon. Happy valentine's day.

Blair: Well, happy valentine's day to you. You want to talk to todd?

R.J.: No, no. Actually, I -- I was calling for you.

Blair: Me? Oh, well, that really -- really wasn't a performance. That was more like just ...
I just had an audience of one, but -- well, you're kidding me.

Blair: Whoa! Check this restaurant and bar out. Hey, todd, we're going
to have to come here when -- oh, no.

Todd: What?

Blair: She's here?

Todd: Ooh. Why erywhere?

Blair: I don't ... you know, R.J. Didn't say that she was going to be here.

Todd: What else didn't r.J. Tell you? What are we doing here anyway?

Blair: Well, he told me that we were going to be his V.I.P. Guests. But
you know what? I can't really do much celebrating if she's wandering around here.

Todd: Well, we should have stayed home. Oh, look, there's max. And bo. I'm out of here.

Blair: No, no. No, no. Hey. We don't have to see any of these people.
It's valentine's day. You just look at me and I'll just look at you. Deal?

Gabrielle: Excuse me. Todd, I've been thinking. I think I'm going to dedicate
the entire style page to tonight's party. What do you think about that?

Todd: Blair, did you just hear something?

Blair: No, I didn't.

Todd: Must be one of those figment things.

Blair: Hmm. It must be.

Gabrielle: Todd, I need a word.

Todd: Guess what word I have in my mind.

Gabrielle: Uh-uh, I'm serious. I think that your style section is far too small.
I think it needs to be expanded to, say, to about six pages long. Think of all the ads you'll get.

Todd: See, all i can think about is extra pages means an extra amount
of money, so, no. ah, ah, ah. I can drop that bombshell on blair anytime i wish.

Bo: And what bombshell would that be?

R.J.: But being that tonight is a special night, we have a very, very special musical guest for you.
She actually doesn't need an introduction, but i'm sure she would appreciate a very warm welcome.

Blair: Behold the way our fine feathered friend his virtue doth parade
thou knowest not my dimwitted friend the picture thou hast made thy vacant
brow and thy tussled hair concealed by good intent thy noble, upright,
truthful sincere and slightly dopey gent you're my funny valentine sweet,
comic valentine you make me smile with my heart your looks are laughable
unphotographable still, you're my favorite work of art is your figure less
than greek? Is your mouth a little weak when you open it to speak? Are you
smart? Don't change your hair for me not if you care for me stay, little
valentine stay each day is valentine's day is your figure less than greek?
Is your mouth a little weak when you open it to speak? Are you smart?
Don't change a hair for me not if you care for me stay, little valentine
stay each day is valentine's day